Report an Instance of Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation

For families needing interpreting services to make a bullying report, you can call the HCPSS Call Center and someone will take the report for you.

Please tell us about yourself


You can submit your report anonymously, but it will severely limit the ability of administrators to investigate the issue. If you do choose to include your information, it will be held in confidence.

I am reporting: (Choose all that apply.)

Alleged Targeted Student(s)


Alleged Offender(s) (Include all known details.)


Alleged Witness(es) (Include all known details.)


On what date(s) did the incident happen?

Select the statement(s) that best describes what happened (Choose all that apply.)
You selected Actions/comments related to the student’s race/ethnicity above. Please provide the targeted religion.
You selected Actions/comments related to the student’s religion above. Please provide the targeted religion.
You selected Other in describing what happened. Please describe what happened here.
You described the incident as including Any bullying, harassment, or intimidation that involves physical aggression. Please describe.
Where did the incident happen? (Choose all that apply.)

Physical Injury

Psychological Injury